Looking at other matters: for broadening the product base of remanufacturing, wind turbines are a classic example. These are heavy duty machines which sooner or later need to be overhauled. The main components are the electrical generator, gearbox, brake, yaw motor and electric/electronic controller. Operating 24/7 at high stress levels, they are ideal pieces for remanufacturing. It is an attractive business, but subject to technological changes, i.e. some operators are interested to service others to upgrade their turbines. The cores, or old units, will either be remanufactured and reinstalled or remanufactured but then sold as second-hand machines. This is a special business model and ReMaTec 2019 will include a conference on wind turbines where you can learn more.
This is a short follow-up article on https://www.rematec.com/news/news-articles/this-is-how-we-are-going-to-elevate-remanufacturing/
Picture: Niels Klarenbeek at ZF Wind Power